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Sunday.  I am sitting on my front porch, staring off into the distance a bit. Next to me, a bag sits with several books in it. Books that I will probably pick up and read at some point. I need to keep my brain entertained somehow.  A few miles away, my church is having its first meeting in months. People are singing, praising, worshipping. Celebrating.  I am not there.  Just a couple of weeks ago, I would have told you that I would have been there with bells on. I had already purchased a new outfit for it. (Two, actually. I was trying to choose between two outfits.)  Yet here I sit, wearing shorts, no makeup, my newly-cut hair tied back. Both outfits still hang in my closet.  Over the last few days, I have been following the numbers. 225. 222. 450. 336. And just a few minutes ago, 478. Numbers of daily positive COVID-19 cases in Oklahoma. Many of them in Tulsa County.  Where, incidentally, a rally was held just yesterday. An indoor rally with little so...

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