Open Letter to My Fellow Believers in Christ
You know, I try my hardest to keep things positive on my blog. In this world, there is so very much to be thankful for. But, I need to get something off my chest.
Just a few days ago, I was upset that a certain former OKC Thunder player who shall remain nameless has elected to join the Golden State Warriors. Now, I wish that was the worst thing going on in the world.
Guys, there is so much darkness in the world right now. If you are, like me, a believer in Christ, we have three responsibilities.
First, we need to understand where people come from in life. There are many, MANY emotionally charged topics going on. My favorite book in the world is To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus Finch put it very well: You can't really know a person until you walk a mile in their shoes. Research the issues at hand. Don't take any one news source as gospel...each one has its own slant and bias. Read up on history. And, most importantly, ask questions.
The second responsibility is, we have to be salt and light to the world. That means, we need to show the light of Christ to others. On social media (talking to myself here) and in our daily interactions with folks. That may look like taking a step back from a conversation that is getting too vitriolic. Hopefully we can respect each other enough to be able to have tough conversations without resorting to personal attack.
And finally, pray, pray, PRAY. It is no secret that the world is getting darker and darker. We need Jesus more than ever. And the world needs Jesus more than ever.
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