It's Friday! #1
Well, it's already Friday. While it's been a kind of difficult week, I still found several things to smile about.
1.) Every few weeks, my Sunday school class goes to the grocery store and buys food items to fill our food pantry. I love this--it gives me an opportunity to serve with my Sunday school girls!
2.) Every summer, a group from my church goes to Rio Bravo, Mexico to help with a Christian school there. This year they are working on a library for the school. Our church was asked to raise money to stock the library with books. Last Sunday, a TON of people came forward to donate to the library. Hopefully we will reach our goal!
3.) Old School Bagel. I have never eaten a chicken sandwich on a bagel before. I have to say, it was pretty good!
4.) Apparently I have the talent to make things look like they are floating in front of my hand. To wit:
5.) It is June, and June means cherries. The best fruit there is. I need to get some to freeze, should the craving hit.
What things made you smile this week!
You and your sense of humor make me smile!