Game Changer
Sometimes, it is good to take a fresh look at things.
A few weeks ago, I "liked" a Facebook page called Do You Remember? Essentially, it's a page about nostalgia... Old toys, games, things from the past.
I enjoyed looking at toys that were from the 50s and 60s. I even shared a pic of a game called Perfection that gave me a bit of comedic trauma as a kid (but that's a different story for a different day).
They also posted some still shots from old drive-in movie intermission ads. Naturally, I went on YouTube to see some of the old ads...and ended up watching them for hours.
In general, I enjoyed the ads. And I was struck by the variety of snacks they carried. (Some carried popcorn, hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, egg rolls, ice cream, candy, fries, chips...we're talking a miniature On Cue in there!) But the game changer was this simple slide:
"Thank you for being with us this evening. We hope that in some small way we were able to add to your enjoyment, comfort, and relaxation."
See? What a simple concept. Yet is changes everything. And it got me thinking...
"Thank you for being with us this evening. We hope that in some small way we were able to add to your enjoyment, comfort, and relaxation."
See? What a simple concept. Yet is changes everything. And it got me thinking...
What if, instead of doing the minimum to get by, we do what we can to bring joy to others?
What if, instead of thinking we have a menial job, we look at it as helping others enjoy their evening?
What if, instead of looking for excuses why we can't help others, we look for ways we can?
See, game changer.
Since then, my outlook has been changed. I tend to see my job (by appearances menial work) as an opportunity to help others get excellent food and to build my work's brand up. I look for opportunities to help out and accept help with gratitude.
I am not 100% there yet, but I keep reminding myself of this simple concept.
Game changer.
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