The Un-Christmasing of My Apartment

Well, friends, the time has come. (The walrus said.)

It is now time to take down my Christmas decorations. (Baby tear)

But before I do, let's take a moment to admire what was Christmas of 2015. 

This is my favorite decoration. The little wood signs I got at Target. (They were $3 each...bonus!) The baby reindeer were a Christmas present many, many moons ago. If I recall correctly, they came from Burger King.

I simply adore this tree. I decided last year that I wanted a white Christmas tree. They really make the decorations stand out, don't you think?

I posted this photo on Instagram during the season. It is a favorite ornament of mine. I made it during a Christmas party several years ago. It also counts as a Pinterest fail fail, because the scrapbook paper was upside down. :-) 


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