School Lunches

This woman is braver than I am.

Actually the whole situation she describes appalls me for several reasons. First off, all of her school's lunch foods come prepackaged...they just heat them up. In my day, we actually had lunch ladies with aprons and hairnets that made our food. While the food didn't taste much better than the food in this blog, at least it was homemade (lunch-lady-made?)

More shocking to me was that her school only provides twenty minutes for lunch. As in, twenty minutes to leave the classroom, get in line, get THROUGH the line, pay (with only one dollar bills!), find a place to sit, eat, throw trash away, and go back to class. Really? It takes twenty minutes for the brain to signal that you are no longer hungry. Plus, most of us ADULTS get at LEAST thirty minutes for lunch. Why would we expect even less than that for little kids?

Here was the big shocker for me: NO RECESS. At. All. Her school does P.E. once a week. This, unfortunately, is becoming a trend in schools nationwide. As teachers have to cram more into a school day, the students are getting less time to decompress.

All I have to say is: Wow. Just wow.


  1. Hooray for lunch ladies! I remember that the best peanut butter cookies I ever ate were in a school cafeteria. It was our job (as children) to complain about the food. Now the kids really have something to complain about!

  2. Lunch ladies are awesome! Of course, I did my fair share of complaining, but I think it was because I didn't like the dishes served in general, not necessarily because the way THEY made it. You know, acquired tastes and all that. But frankly, I saw some of the photos on this website, and I don't know how that lady does it. That stuff looked scary!


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