I've Been Through The Desert On a Horse with No Name

I love music. I always have. From my earliest preschool years, my favorite time of the day was when we would all gather around and sing along to records. (Yes, records.)

Now, I am not that musical myself. My brother and younger sister can sing well, and my mother played the piano. But I have only a slightly-above-average voice. I do OK when in a group, but my solo voice is reserved for my car and my shower. Mostly my car.

When I got my new car, I decided to subscribe to satellite radio. This is because I have what some may call a case of radio ADD. I can't keep the car on one station all the time. I have thirty-six presets, and all of them are assigned, and I listen to every one at some time or another.

Anyway, I found a station that I really like. It is called the Bridge, and it mainly consist of classic soft rock. Music like Cat Stevens, America, Bread, Crosby and/or Stills and/or Nash and/or Young, Paul McCartney, etc. Very nice, soft music.

Nothing like the stuff they play now.

Now, there are a LOT of newer acts that I love. I guess my music taste runs toward modern rock, with some pop mixed in. But it seems like I have to sift through a lot of CRAP to listen to the good stuff. Every time I listen to the radio, I have to listen to the likes of Justin Beiber, Lil Wayne, Ke$ha (by the way, anyone who puts a dollar bill in their name is trying to hard, in my opinion) and other stuff. The sad thing is, this is the stuff that sells. Why?


  1. Maybe it's because the typical buyer is a teeny-bopper who is following a crowd of teeny-boppers who haven't developed their own -- hopefully good-- taste in music?

  2. Very, very sad. And yet very, very true.

  3. My name is Cro$$! Jigga Jigga yeah! What what! Radio ADD must run in the family. I like to add, because it is much easier than subtracting. ;)


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