Fabulous Frugal Finds: My Amazing Afghan

I love afghans. For the longest time, I searched for an afghan to put in my house. See, the ones that I find are either out of my price range, or they do not mesh with my sense of style. And let's face it, I don't have the time or patience to make one myself.

Then one day, it happened. 

You ever go to a garage sale, see something, and think to yourself, "I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE!" 

That's what happened with this afghan. We were meant to be together. 

See how it looks on my bed? It adds a nice pop of color, right? (Side note: I am open to suggestions for a replacement phrase for "pop of color.") 

Here's a closer look of the detailing. I love fun stuff like this!

It's a tough life, being a sock monkey!


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