Sad and Disgusted

Today, I have no cute, quirky photos. No recipes or cool things I have found. Just me and my words.

I wasn't even planning on blogging today. I had already written three for the week, and I needed a break. Besides, I try not to write about the "bad stuff," so to speak.

But I can't stay silent about this.

Last night I read on Facebook about Josh Duggar being accused of molesting young children. His response was to basically admit to touching several children inappropriately, including some of his sisters.

From what I gathered, his parents were aware of the incidents. They had an officer give him a "stern talk" about it. But nothing further was done until Oprah (of all people) was told about it. Her production team contacted the authorities, but the statute of limitations had passed. The parents did send him away at this point, so he "wouldn't ruin his life."

My question is, what about the lives of the girls he molested? In at least a few cases, they had to continue to live in the same house as their attacker. They had to live in fear that it would happen again. Did he attempt to make amends? Did they receive counseling at all? Did Jim Bob and Michelle do anything to protect them at all? Or were they just concerned about their own reputation... or their son's? Or were they afraid the coffers would run out when this came to light?

Look, I am all about protecting privacy. But I have severe misgivings about doing it at the expense of someone's mental well-being. Us women have been told all our lives to be show be not make waves. Indeed, gentleness and showing mercy are VERY admirable things.

But there are some things that simply should not be shoved under the rug. These young women's lives are irrevocably changed. I hope they are now able to get the help they need.

And I pray for his little children. Please God, protect them. Please give his wife the discernment she needs to protect them.


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